The genre-bending anime series BURST ANGEL blends sci-fi, action, comedy, and even a touch of Spaghetti Western into a thrilling girls-with-guns confection. In futuristic Tokyo, a new law that allows citizens to openly carry guns has actually led to an increase in crime, and a shadowy organization known as RAPT (Recent Armed Police of Tokyo) actively encourages violence in order to profit from the chaos. A quartet of scantily clad young women named Jo, Sei, Amy, and Meg stride into this anarchic milieu and attempt to bring a sense of order and justice to the lawless land with their gun-slinging ways and leather chaps. This title features the violent and sexy anime series in its entirety.
All 24 episodes of the Japanese anime series, as well as the OVA episode. In a dystopian future, law and order is breaking down in Tokyo and the Recently Armed Police of Tokyo (RAPT) is established to combat the rampant crime wave. But in the middle of these dark times, a mysterious angel called Jo (voice of Akeno Watanabe) arrives on Earth, and with her partners Sei (Rie Tanaka), Amy (Mikako Takahashi), and Meg (Megumi Toyoguchi), she sets out to restore peace. The episodes are: ‘Hell Comes Silently’, ‘The Heartless Gunfighter’, ‘City Where the Beast Howls’, ‘The Brothers Die at Dawn’, ‘Mansion Where Lurks the Demon’, ‘Wash This Garden With Blood!’, ‘Black Sky’, ‘The Wounded Outlaw’, ‘Party of the Dragon’, ‘Uncharted Cyberspace’, ‘Eastern Angel, Western Hawk’, ‘Tower of Tears’, ‘Showdown in Osaka’, ‘Wild Kids’, ‘Slingin’ Oil’, ‘The Man With No Name’, ‘Dueling Angels’, ‘The Immortal Classmate’, ’24-Hour Strategy’, ‘Blood Red Highway’, ‘New Sheriff in Town’, ‘Genocide Angels’,’Red Sea Gallows’ and ‘Angels, Explode!’. The OVA episode is ‘Episode Zero: Infinity’.